The Beginning of a Beautiful Journey to Understand the Qur’an..

..that aims to:

Instill the love of Allahﷻ and the love of the Prophetﷺ, through understanding of the Qur’an
To inspire to listen to the Qur’an, understand, and ponder over its meanings
To motivate the sincere implementation of the Qur’an in our daily lives through its study

️ Every Sunday Only
At 7:00-9:00pm(Toronto Time)
On-site & Online via Zoom
For Women of all ages (In Urdu)

Register Now & save your seat!

 Also an excellent opportunity to come with the Men in your households! This program runs parallel to the Taleem al Qur’an Urdu Class for Men on Sundays‼️

❔For further inquiries, please contact:

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