Al Huda Institute & ‘Healing Together’ Present:

Finding Solace After Loss

with Ustadha Taimiyyah Zubair & Asma Ali (Licensed Psychotherapist)

Saturday June 29th | 6:00-8:30PM
On-site at Al Huda Institute

5671 McAdam Rd, Mississauga

A SISTERS’ ONLY evening of interactive discussion & shared stories
A two-part event: interactive panel discussion followed by a healing session

  • Understand The Nature Of Grief from a Holistic Perspective

  • Find Hope and Healing

  • Gain Practical Tools & Strategies on how to Move Forward with Resilience & Purpose

  • Gain A Deeper Understanding of how to Support Those Grieving in our Community

⏳Don’t miss this opportunity- Register Today‼️

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