Al Huda Institute & Discoveru Present a great Summer Program for Women!

Journey to Allah✨

Through Sweetness of Worship

Taught Live by Spiritual Coach, Sr Razia Hamidi 

Learn how to Connect with Allah like never before- Save Your Seat Today!

Bring life into your worship through 10 Principles from Imam Ghazali’s Masterpieces:

▪️What it means to be vigilant of your Prayer(Salah).

▫️How to acquire lasting wealth that brings endless blessings(Charity).

▪️How to gain victory over Allah’s enemy (Fasting).

▫️How the minor journey prepares us for the greater journey in life(Hajj).

▪️The act of Worship that will be your best intercessor on the Day of Judgment(Qur’an).

▫️How to be Successful in Dunya & Aakhirah(Dhikr).

▪️How external things can affect our internal state(Seeking the Lawful).

▫️One of the Pillars of Religion we overlook (Upholding rights & good companionship).

▪️How to build a real support system (Commanding good & forbidding evil).

▫️How to hold onto & connect with the Key to Happiness daily(The Sunnah).

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