Qur’an Translation Course: Year 2 | Starting September 7th, 2024 in sha Allah⁠

✨ The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The best among you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5027) ✨⁠

Understand Allah’s Word in its original Arabic language through knowing its translation!⁠

Women of ages 13+ | Boys 13+ can attend online via Zoom⁠

️ Saturdays Only!⁠
10:00am -12:30pm (Toronto Time)⁠
Al Huda Institute Canada⁠

⏭️ Individual Yearly Modules, taught by Sr. Shomyla Hammad.⁠

 A great option for staying connected to the Qur’an, even with school & work routines!⁠

☆ Recite, Translate, Understand ☆⁠
▪️ Short Lesson- word to word translation ⁠
▫️ Group Study to facilitate learning & master the lesson⁠
▪️ Online Assessments, Group Activities & Projects⁠

Don’t delay a moment – Here is YOUR chance to learn or refresh your word-to-word translation, and to deepen your understanding of the Qur’an!⁠

 Register Now!

ℹ️ For questions, please email: qte2@alhudainstitute.ca

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