Are we “Slaves of the Most Merciful”!?

Let’s strive to develop the traits for this honorable title!

*Do you want to improve your relationships – with Your Rabb, yourself and your family?*

Do you wish to attain the lofty chambers in Jannah and honorable greetings?

*Let’s learn how to upgrade our akhlaaq, navigate the ‘Life Puzzle’ with a win-win mindset, a humble heart and a positive attitude*

AlhamduliAllah this weekend, we are studying the ayaat of “Ibaad-Al-Rahman” in Surah Al Furqan.

*Make a special effort and join us On-site in the Live class*

Taught By
*Ustazah Dr Farhat Hashmi*
*At Al Huda Institute*

In shaa Allah
*Saturday & Sunday*
*November 30th & December 1st,2024*

Free Session!
Invite as many sisters as you can!

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