Al Huda Tech Support—We’re Here to Help ! Welcome to the Al Huda Institute Canada (AHIC) HELP DESK Request Submission Kindly provide the required details below to faciltate the tech help for: (1) Accessing WIFI within AHIC (2) System Hardware/Software issues Full Name*Email* What is your designated Department/Course?*What is your role (position) of work in the department/course?* Whats the nature of your request?* Access for the AlHuda Institute WIFI Tech support for system (Desktop/Laptop) FOR AHIC WIFI ACCESS Note: The Physical or MAC address (Media Access Control address) is a unique identifier of a network adapter consisting of 6-digit hexadecimal number, separated with a colon (:) after every 2nd character.Example of a Physical/MAC/WiFi address --> 00:00:00:a1:2b:cc Do you need access first time or replacing access from old device to new one?* Accessing with device first time Replacing access on new device from old device Select which type of device?* Personal Laptop Smart Phone IPad Tablet Kindly follow the link to guide you to the relative webpage for instructions about getting the Physical/MAC Address of your corresponding device. For Laptops - Windows & Mac/Apple Operating System Windows OS:( 8/10/11): Click here Apple OS: (MacBook/Macbook pro) Click here Kindly follow the link to guide you to the relative webpage for instructions about getting the Physical/MAC Address of your corresponding device. For Phones - Android & Apple OS For Windows and Andriod (Phones/tablets) : Click here For (Iphones/ Ipads) Click here Please mention the Physical/MAC Address of your device*Note: This is the 12 digits (characters and numbers) as you noted for your device. FOR AHIC TECHSUPPORT What is the system you need techsupport for ?*Al Huda DesktopAl Huda LaptopMy personal Laptop Please mention the ID on the system you are using.*Note: This maybe the sticker showing desktop number or laptop number, if visible. If not visible, its ok. Whats the urgency-level of your request?* Extremely Important and urgent Moderately urgent Important but not urgent How does this urgency-level impact your work?Note: Please mention briefly, does your work get delayed or stop totally due to this issue. Describe your issue here.*Note: Please mention to the point what is not working, when the issue happened, and did you do anything to troubleshoot yourself before submitting this request. Request Submission========================================= *kindly allow response-time (approx 48 hours). Jazak Allah khair for your cooperation, understanding & patience ========================================= Join Our Newsletter Sign up now to receive news on latest events & Emaan building articles. Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information ) Al Huda will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.