The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing. [Al Baqarah: 261]

This Ramadan, let’s come together to plant the seeds of authentic Islamic knowledge—seeds that will grow and nourish the faith of future generations. 

Here, at Al Huda, we truly believe that the Qur’an is for All, In Every Hand, and In Every Heart. Your support will help make this vision a reality. Whether it is through Qur’anic sponsorships, helping with tuition assistance at Al Huda Elementary or allowing us to equip our masjid with technological advancements, your contributions will have wide-reaching effects. 


Your contributions go towards these projects:

Qur’anic Education Advancement

  • Qur’an and Hadith Student Sponsorship
  • Hifdh al Qur’an Sponsorship
  • Al Huda Elementary School Donation
  • Orphan Education Sponsorship

Iblaagh and Dawah Sponsorship

  • Billboard
  • Bus Dawah
  • Digital marketing materials and publications

General Funds

  • Masjid Maintenance
  • Technology Advancement

You may also contribute to more projects below:

Support Al Huda School

Every donation this Ramadan helps us ensure that more children, youth, and families have the opportunity to engage with the Qur’an, learn its teachings, and strengthen their connection with Allah.


Have any questions regarding your donations? Check the FAQs below.

Can I get a donation receipt if I send a cheque or give cash to Al Huda?
A receipt is only available upon request. Please provide your full name and email along with your donation if you’d like us to send you a receipt. Our finance department will email it to you within a week’s time.

Please Note: At the moment, Al Huda is unable to issue tax receipts for any donation.

Can I give my Zakat to Al Huda Institute?
Yes, our campaign is Zakat eligible and funds will be used accordingly.
Can I donate to the Hifz program specifically?
This year’s campaign includes all the programs and courses expenses under its umbrella. You can donate the amount that you intend to give to Hifz program and send us an email separately after donation is processed. We will make sure your sadaqah gets allocated to the Hifz program.
Can I donate via foreign currency as cash?
Yes you can donate foreign currency by dropping it off in donation boxes at our institute, however we advise that you get the currency exchanged at your bank before dropping off any cash donation.
Do you accept jewelry as a form of donation?
Yes, we do accept jewelry as donation. You can drop off any jewelry donation at the institute at reception. If you’d like to make alternative pick up arrangements, please email us at
Is there any other way I can donate?
If you’d like to make alternative donation arrangements, please email

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