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Asalaam Alaikum, in UK
There are companies who offer 0% interest on purchases when payed in 3 instalments, if they don’t pay instalment on time then interest is added.
My husband owns a shop and customers ask for this facility. My husband is asking if he offers this with any of the companies then what happens is that when customer buys something the company pays the shop full amount on purchase then it is between the buyer and the company, it is 0% interest on 3 instalments but if the buyer doesn’t pay on time then interest is added.
The shop owner has nothing to do with this because the buyer has chosen this payment plan.
My husband is asking is it ok if he offers this facility in his shop.
Answer: (Answer by Imam Atiq)
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ,
Regarding your husband’s question about offering a 0% interest instalment plan through a third-party company, the key consideration here is the involvement in interest (riba), which is prohibited in Islam. Even though the shop owner is not directly involved in charging interest, offering a service that may lead the customer to enter into an interest-based transaction can be problematic.
Since the payment plan includes the possibility of interest being charged if the buyer does not pay on time, it could potentially lead the buyer into a riba-based situation, which might make facilitating such a transaction impermissible from an Islamic perspective.
The fact that your husband’s shop would be promoting or enabling this option could be considered as indirectly supporting riba.
May Allah guide us to what is best.
Assalamu alaikum (peace be upon you).
My mother-in-law is very ill, she can’t walk, and she had a stroke that has left her weak on her left side. It’s becoming very difficult to take her to the washroom for wudu (ablution). Due to her condition, she can’t perform wudu repeatedly. Can she perform two prayers together, like Zuhr-Asr and Maghrib-Isha? She sits with support. Repeatedly performing wudu is becoming challenging for me, and it’s also painful for her. Can she perform tayammum (dry ablution)?
Answer: (Answer by Imam Atiq)
May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward you immensely for caretaking of your mother-in-law. Indeed Deen al-Islam creates ease for someone in hardship when it comes to carrying out one’s obligations.
Considering your mother-in-law’s condition, the following is permitted:
1. Jam’ (combining prayers): Yes, she can perform Zuhr-Asr and Maghrib-Isha together, taking into account her inability to perform wudu repeatedly.
2. Tayammum: Yes, she can perform tayammum instead of wudu if:
– She has difficulty performing wudu due to illness or disability.
– Water causes her harm or pain.
– She has no access to water.
For tayammum, she can be provided:
– soil/dust/earth or even some sand
– Strike her hands on the surface
– Wipe her face and hands with the dust
May Allah grant your mother-in-law recovery and ease her difficulties
About Imam Abdul Rehman Atiq
Academic Details:
- Hifzul Quran & Tajweed
- Shahadatul Almiyah (Jamiah Taleemul Islam, Faisalabad Pakistan)
- Shahadatul Almiyah (Wafaqul Madris As Salafiyah, Pakistan)
- MA in Islamic Studies, Arabic and English
- Student of Great and World Renowned Scholars
Experience: (+25 Years)
- Al Huda Institute, Canada) Imam & Mufti
- International Islamic University,Islamabad,Pakistan Assistant Professor
- Islamic Shariah Council, London, UK Islamic Judge
- Masjid Umar, Nottingham, UK Imam
- Markaz Ahl-e-Hadith, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Khateeb & Head Teacher