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About Imam Abdul Rehman Atiq

Academic Details:

  • Hifzul Quran & Tajweed
  • Shahadatul Almiyah (Jamiah Taleemul Islam, Faisalabad Pakistan)
  • Shahadatul Almiyah (Wafaqul Madris As Salafiyah, Pakistan)
  • MA in Islamic Studies, Arabic and English
  • Graduated from International Islamic University, Madina KSA

Experience: (+25 Years)

  • Al Huda Institute, Canada) Imam & Mufti
  • International Islamic University,Islamabad,Pakistan Assistant Professor
  • Islamic Shariah Council, London, UK Islamic Judge
  • Masjid Umar, Nottingham, UK Imam
  • Markaz Ahl-e-Hadith, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Khateeb & Head Teacher


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