Dig in to the Awesome Surah Al Fatihah!

In English

Seventeen Times A Day

$15 One Time Fee

An Enlightening & Enjoyable Afternoon For our Youths!

  • Audience : For Boys Only 13+
  • Date: October 5th 2024
  • Time: 3:00-5:00 pm
  • Venue: Onsite  at Al Huda Institute
  • Fee: $15 One Time Fee
  • Taught by – Ustadh Sarmad
  • Contact: wafa.kadri@alhudainstitute.ca

All of us realize the value of ‘being connected'. We wish to be able to communicate with someone powerful, someone non-judgmental, someone who understands exactly what’s going on in our minds and hearts, and someone who has complete control to bring about any change even if it’s seemingly impossible.

That Someone is Allah, and our opportunity to connect and have a dialogue with Him knocks at our doors a minimum of 17 times a day, and many more, if we'd like

  • How often do you talk to Allah?
  • How often do you share your joys and sorrows with the Almighty?
  • Did you know that there is a Surah in the Qur'an, where Allah responds to every verse you recite?


A Surah, which you recite multiple times every single day, but still you probably haven’t realized the magnanimity of it yet. Yes, the Surah being referred to here is Surah Al Fatihah, in which Allah responds to every ayah we recite, during salah; as it is evident from the following Hadith:

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) said: 

"….... Allah, the Most High said: I have divided the Salat between Myself and My slaves into two halves. Half of it is for Me, and half of it for My slave, and My slave shall have what he asks for. My slave stands and says:...

Find out How Allah responds to YOU!

Don't miss Out & Join Now!

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Registration Fee will be used towards community education expenses if someone wants to cancel registration

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