Art Night Youth Council

$20 One Time Fee

Let’s connect through art and deen and build meaningful friendships!

  • Audience : All youth aged 13-25 Years
  • Date: Friday November 1st, 2024
  • Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm Toronto Time
  • Venue: Onsite  at Al Huda Institute
  • Fee: $20
  • Contact:

Art Night is open to everyone! Whether you’re a beginner looking to explore new mediums or a seasoned artist wanting to connect with others, this event has something to offer.


Families, friends, and individuals of all ages are welcome to join us for an evening filled with art and inspiration.


Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to unleash your creativity and connect with others in the art community.

Reserve your spot today!!

Short Courses Refund Policy

Your Fee is Your Sadaqah’
No Refunds.
Registration Fee will be used towards community education expenses if someone wants to cancel registration

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