“Learn to Write the Qur’anic Script ”

In English

The Sacred Script


Learn to write the beautiful words of Allah in the Naskh script with the tradition qalam and ink

  • Audience: Girls & Women Only 14+
  • Duration: |6 Saturdays| July 20th to August 24th 2024 ان شاء الله
  • Days: Saturdays Only
  • Timings:   Beginner  Level:  11:00am- 12:00pm Toronto Time 
      • Intermediate Level:   12:30pm – 1:30pm Toronto Time
  • Venue: Online Only 
  • Fee* $75 One Time
  • Taught By– Sr. Sahar Shahid
  • Contact Email: calligraphy@alhudainstitute.ca

Register below


SKU: N/A Categories: , , , ,

What to Expect

Beginner Level 

  • We will cover the individuals letters as well as letter combinations
  • Connecting with the beautiful words of Allah which will serve as an act of ibadah.
  • Learning the importance of Arabic calligraphy, its history and the contemporary notion.

Intermediate Level

(Students who have already taken Calligraphy classes before either At Alhuda Or any other Organization)

  • Writing short verses of Qur'an from Juzz 30
  • Pondering over the verses - known as Tadabbur
  • Understanding their meanings and contemplating their relevance in our lives
  • Spiritual Nourishment

Additional information


Beginner, Intermediate

Refund Policy

<strong>Refund Policy </strong>
<li>For Enrollment cancellation/ withdrawal request received in writing <strong>before</strong> the beginning of the program- A processing Fee of $15 will be deducted and the entire remaining amount will be refunded.</li>
<li>For Enrollment Cancellation/ withdrawal request received in writing <strong>after</strong> the beginning of the program – within the first week- A processing fee $25 per registration will be deducted and the entire remaining amount will be refunded.</li>
<li>No refunds after week 1</li>

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