Join Journey of the Qur’an

In Urdu

Paygham e Quran Urdu

$20 Monthly

Starting November 29th 2024

  • Audience : For Women 13+
  • Days:  Friday Only
  • Timings: : 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm Toronto Time
  • Venue : Virtual only
  • Fees: $ 20/- per month
  • Contact

First payment: April 6, 2025

Categories: , , , ,

What to Expect

  • To connect the students closely with the meanings of Quranic words
  • To instill the love of Allah SWT and the love of Prophet SAW, through the basic fehm of the Quran
  • To inspire to listen to Quran, understand, and ponder on the meanings of Quran and derive lessons for daily life

Refund Policy for Courses

Tuition fees charged for our programs primarily serve as sadaqah, charitable contributions. Additionally, these fees are used to cover critical administrative costs, including student enrollment, record-keeping, student support services, and the continuous development and maintenance of our Courses.

The following guidelines are applicable for any Fee Refunds for All Regular and Short Courses.

To request a refund, students must send a written request to the Course Coordinator.
It may take 2-3 weeks to process the refunds (as per approval from the Academic office).
The Academic Office reserves the right to decline a Fee Refund request.

Refunds for All Courses:
Students are eligible to receive a 50% refund if the written request is received within one week from the commencement of the course. 30 day withdrawal notice is needed from students 

Please note that fees charged without prior withdrawal notice are non-refundable

If a payment fails (credit card gets declined), the linked account will be considered inactive. Consequently, all course-related access granted to the student will be revoked, including access to ‘My Al Huda Portal,’ class resources, and materials. Upon successful resubscription with a valid credit card, the portal access will be reactivated.

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Sign up now to receive news on latest events & Emaan building articles.

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Al Huda will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.
