Qur’an Translation Term 2

In English

Qur’an Translation QTE1 Term 2

$ 38/ monthly

Join The Qur’an Translation Term 2 Class Today!

Starting Sept 11, 2024

  • Part-time Certificate course, in English
  • Conducted by: Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
  • Audience: Sisters ages 15+ years
  • Days: Only Wednesday 
  • Timings: 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Toronto Time
  • Materials : Qur’an Translation PDFs will be provided to the registered students weekly in sha Allah
  • Venue: Online Only
  • Fee*: Regular $38/month 
  • For Further Queries, Please Email qte1@alhudainstitute.ca

SKU: N/A Categories: , , , , , ,

☆ Recite, Translate, Understand ☆

Here's what to Expect

  • 1/4 Juz’ word to word translation will be covered per week
  • Students will be assessed on 1/4 Juz’ of word to word translation weekly in groups and through weekly quizzes
  • Refresh your Connection with the Qur'an

Additional information



Study Venue


Study Mode


Refund Policy for Courses

Tuition fees charged for our programs primarily serve as sadaqah, charitable contributions. Additionally, these fees are used to cover critical administrative costs, including student enrollment, record-keeping, student support services, and the continuous development and maintenance of our Courses.

The following guidelines are applicable for any Fee Refunds for All Regular and Short Courses.

To request a refund, students must send a written request to the Course Coordinator.
It may take 2-3 weeks to process the refunds (as per approval from the Academic office).
The Academic Office reserves the right to decline a Fee Refund request.

Refunds for All Courses:
Students are eligible to receive a 50% refund if the written request is received within one week from the commencement of the course.

Fee for all long-running courses is reviewed periodically. Any changes will be communicated with advance notice

Please note that fees charged without prior withdrawal notice are non-refundable

If a payment fails (credit card gets declined), the linked account will be considered inactive. Consequently, all course-related access granted to the student will be revoked, including access to ‘My Al Huda Portal,’ class resources, and materials. Upon successful resubscription with a valid credit card, the portal access will be reactivated.

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Unable to attend the course regularly at the scheduled day and time? Check out the alternative course delivery option below!

We would like to accommodate your needs so that you may avail this learning, opportunity, in sha Allah. Accordingly, students may choose to attend the course via the Flexible Time Option (FTO).
  • The FTO is meant to facilitate the participation of those who are not available during the scheduled class time.
  • It comprises of the same subjects and learning expectations as the regularly scheduled class.
  • To register for the FTO, select “FTO student” on the registration form below.
  • The course coordinator will contact you to arrange the details.

Find out how you can benefit from the FTO!

How does FTO Work?

FTO Students will be:

  • Given access to class recordings to listen to at their convenience
  • Assigned a teaching assistant and group review session(s) every week at a mutually agreed time, to stay on track with the lessons
  • Allowed to attend the class live if/when available.
What will I be required to do as a FTO Student?

Students registered with the FTO will need to:

  • Listen to the class recordings and study the assigned subjects
  • Meet all regular study expectations, including participating in group review sessions
  • Complete all assigned work weekly to remain on pace with the class
  • Attempt and complete assessments on time, as assigned
What type of Certificate do FTO qualify for?
Students who complete the course successfully with this alternative option will receive a certificate reflecting the same.
Is there a different payment for FTO students?
The payment is the same regular registration fee amount $50/- per month.

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Sign up now to receive news on latest events & Emaan building articles.

I agree to have my personal information transfered to MailChimp ( more information )

Al Huda will never give away, trade or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.

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