Course for Young Men

Part time – In English

Seeds of Scholarship Men

$120 Monthly

☆ Unlock Deeper Understanding of Deen and Tread The Path Towards Islamic Scholarship!  ☆

In English, Certificate Course

  • Audience: Young Men 15- 40 
  • Duration: October 28th 2024 ان شاء الله – February 27th 2025
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
  • Timings: 6:45pm-9:00pm pm EST.
  • Venue: Onsite At Al Huda Institute & (Online – Only for Out of Towners) 
  • Fee*: $120 Monthly
  • If you have further queries, email

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☆ Are you passionate about profoundly comprehending Islam and contributing to your community as a knowledgeable leader?  ☆

Al Huda Institute Canada is pleased to offer the ‘Seeds of Scholarship’ for Young Men, designed to maximize the potential of youth who yearn to advance their academic reach in studying Deen.
Here's a course to lay down a strong foundation for the next generation of scholars, to be equipped with sound knowledge, exemplary character, and spiritual strength to serve & inspire our present and future Ummah!

Discover and fulfill your true purpose, and take the next step towards becoming a beacon of strength and hope for others.

Read Below to find more Information!

Additional information

Study Venue


Refund Policy for Courses

Tuition fees charged for our programs primarily serve as sadaqah, charitable contributions. Additionally, these fees are used to cover critical administrative costs, including student enrollment, record-keeping, student support services, and the continuous development and maintenance of our Courses.

The following guidelines are applicable for any Fee Refunds for All Regular and Short Courses.

To request a refund, students must send a written request to the Course Coordinator.
It may take 2-3 weeks to process the refunds (as per approval from the Academic office).
The Academic Office reserves the right to decline a Fee Refund request.

Refunds for All Courses:
Students are eligible to receive a 50% refund if the written request is received within one week from the commencement of the course.

Fee for all long-running courses is reviewed periodically. Any changes will be communicated with advance notice

Please note that fees charged without prior withdrawal notice are non-refundable

If a payment fails (credit card gets declined), the linked account will be considered inactive. Consequently, all course-related access granted to the student will be revoked, including access to ‘My Al Huda Portal,’ class resources, and materials. Upon successful resubscription with a valid credit card, the portal access will be reactivated.

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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

About the Course

Individually Designed Learning Modules: Join our first semester, a 4-month startup Foundation module this October– just in time to transform your upcoming Ramadan!

Engage in a foundation-building syllabus which ensures that students start their journey of seeking the authentic knowledge of Islam with the tools needed to progress and succeed! 

With an interactive interplay of analytical and theology-based lesson plans, students will study the sacred texts and learn how to unlock the nuances of Arabic language to arrive at a higher level of comprehension, under the guidance of scholars.

Focus on:

Besides a gradual construct of familiarity and comprehension of the Arabic language, the Seeds of Scholarship course will help the students develop a skill set on how to decipher the linguistics while deepening the roots of faith and growing insights into one’s own as well as social well-being. 

In the long run, having completed the startup modules of this series, students will find it easy to relate to and interact with the text of the Qur’an and Hadith.

This program integrates Personal development as well. 

Character Building (Tarbiyah): 

Developing Islamic manners (Akhlaq) and positive leadership skills. 

Spiritual Growth: 

Fostering a closer relationship with Allah through not only the treasures of Ilm, but through guidance in regards to regular worship, reflection, and self-discipline. 

Supportive Learning Environment

Al Huda Institute Canada provides a supportive, brotherly environment where young men can learn, grow, and share their experiences. Through collaborative learning, scholarly mentorship, and regular discussions, students develop strong bonds with their peers and instructors, fostering a sense of belonging within the Islamic community.

Course Subjects

Comprehensive Islamic Curriculum:

Quran & Arabic

Instructed by Hisham Al Hadi

Studying Surah Al-Fatihah and the first Juz of Surah Al-Baqarah, covering half a page or more per week, students will learn: 

  1. Layers of the Book & Overview of the Qur’an
  2. Page & Verse Analysis
  3. Word Analysis
  4. Vocabulary
  5. Theme Analysis
Uloom Al Qur’an: The Sciences of the Qur’an
An exhilarating and eye-opening study of the history of the Qur’an which generally is an unfamiliar territory among the average Muslim, the students in this course will discover the stages of how the revealed Qur’an has reached us, through almost a miraculous level of meticulous review and record keeping, preservation of mus’haf from the time of the Prophet ﷺ and the generation of sahabah and the many generations after till the print age.
Also included are many other sciences of the Qur’an!

Hadith: Taught by Shaykh AbdurRehman Atiq

Detailed exploration of the rich texts of the Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the study of authentic hadith collections, like Imam Nawawi’s Arbaeen.With his over a decade experience of studying and teaching Hadith in notable Islamic Institutions, Shaykh will help the students extract valuable life lessons and an insight into the essential faith components, precision and purification of one’s Creed as well as Prophetic Mannerism and Wisdom.  

Arabic Language & Grammer:

Dr Idrees Zubair will guide and teach the students on how to decode Arabic such that sentences and conversational Arabic also starts to become meaningful, these being the key to unlocking primary Islamic works. Learn through renowned texts like al Arabiyatu bayna yadayk- some conversational Arabic to help connect with the text of the Qur’an



  • Men aged 15 – 40; with fluency in the reading of the Qur’an and English Language
  • Students with a personal interest to learn and understand the Qur’an.
Course Staff

Qualified and Experienced Instructors:

At Al Huda Institute Canada, students learn from experienced and highly qualified scholars, who are deeply rooted in classical Islamic knowledge and contemporary issues. Benefit from our great teachers, namely Dr Idrees Zubair, AbdurRahman Atiq, and Brother Hisham Al Hadi.  Their expertise and mentorship will guide students through a transformative journey of knowledge and spirituality, ensuring students gain a strong foundation in their studies while nurturing personal growth.

Ways to take this course
  • On Campus
    You will experience the classroom setting, teacher-student interactions and work together with other students who share the same intentions, goals and objectives as you do. You will also have the opportunity to be able to share ideas and learn in a group setting.
  • Online
    This option exclusively to men out of town.


PLEASE NOTE:  For students from abroad who would like to study at Al Huda Institute on Campus

  • Students from any part of the world are welcome to join us on campus or online.
    Students are responsible to make arrangements for their study visa and other travel legalities.
    Al Huda does not facilitate visa or accommodation arrangements.
  • Seeds of Scholarship Course comprises of  a Series of Modules and certificates will be issued after a successful completion of all assessments and attendance requirements of 3 modules per year.
  • Student must successfully complete all the required subjects’ tests and assignments with a passing grade in order to obtain the certificate.
  • Students can only graduate if all their course duration fee and other dues are paid.
  • Students must pay graduation fee as specified for their year of convocation.

Embark on the journey of seeking Sacred Knowledge- the path towards attaining Jannah!

Enroll in the ‘Seeds of Scholarship’ Course at Al Huda Institute Canada today!

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