Taleem Ul Qur’an Men

In Urdu

Taleem Al Qur’an Urdu Men -TQUM

$80/ Monthly

Details as below:
  • Certificate Course: Part-time
  • Taught By: Dr. Idris Zubair  ان شاء الله
  • 2 Days: Wednesday and Sunday
  • Timings: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST
  • Venue: ONSITE
  • Audience: For Men (all ages)
  • Fee: $ 80/- per month
  • Contact Email: mentq@alhudainstitute.ca

First payment: October 1, 2024

Categories: , , ,

Here’s what to expect:

  • Translation (word to word meanings)
  • Recitation
  • Tafsir
  • Dua'a

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