Taleem Al Qur’an 9

In Urdu

Taleem Al Qur’an Urdu – TQU9

$150 /Monthly

Join the Journey of Qur’an today!

Starting April 23rd 2024

  • Diploma Course: Part-time
  • Taught By: Dr. Farhat Hashmi ان شاء الله and Al Huda Canada teaching team
  • 3 Days: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
  • Timings: 9:30 am – 1:30 pm Toronto Time
  • Duration: Almost 2 years
  • Venue: Onsite and Online 
  • For out of town students within Canada, class will also be relayed Online via Zoom
  • Audience: For Sisters (all ages)
  • Fee: Regular $150/month *for other fee options, check below
  • Contact Email: tqu9@alhudainstitute.ca

SKU: N/A Categories: , , , , ,

On Campus Learning

You will experience the classroom setting, teacher-student interactions and work together with other students who share the same intentions, goals and objectives as you do. You will also have the opportunity to be able to share ideas and learn in a group setting.


Additional information



Study Venue


Study Mode

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Refund Policy for Courses

Tuition fees charged for our programs primarily serve as sadaqah, charitable contributions. Additionally, these fees are used to cover critical administrative costs, including student enrollment, record-keeping, student support services, and the continuous development and maintenance of our Courses.

The following guidelines are applicable for any Fee Refunds for All Regular and Short Courses.

To request a refund, students must send a written request to the Course Coordinator.
It may take 2-3 weeks to process the refunds (as per approval from the Academic office).
The Academic Office reserves the right to decline a Fee Refund request.

Refunds for All Courses:
Students are eligible to receive a 50% refund if the written request is received within one week from the commencement of the course. 

Fee for all long-running courses is reviewed periodically. Any changes will be communicated with advance notice

Please note that fees charged without prior withdrawal notice are non-refundable

If a payment fails (credit card gets declined), the linked account will be considered inactive. Consequently, all course-related access granted to the student will be revoked, including access to ‘My Al Huda Portal,’ class resources, and materials. Upon successful resubscription with a valid credit card, the portal access will be reactivated.

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About the Course

Learn Qur’an, the word of Allah (swt), in its Arabic text, to enhance your mental, spiritual and emotional well-being and better serve humanity.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I join this course just to listen in, as opposed to being a student?
Yes, If you would like to be a full-time registered listener on site, the fee is 50% of the regular tuition fee.

Further information will be provided by the Course Coordinator.

I heard about the course late, can I still join? How will I make up for missed lessons?
Yes, late admissions are accepted upon meeting course pre-requisites.
Please discuss with the Course Coordinator for more information
Is there an age limit to joining the course?
Students must be at least 15 years old, the is no maximum age limit. However, there are different courses which cater more specifically to different age groups.
My daughter/sister/niece is very brilliant and has done many short Islamic courses, but is below the age limit, can she still apply?
Please discuss with the Course Coordinator for more information.
I want to join this course but I live outside Canada. Can I sign up?
Students from any part of the world are welcome to join us on campus or online. Students are responsible to make arrangements for their study visa and other travel legalities. Al Huda does not facilitate visa or accommodation arrangements


  • Women aged 15 and above; must have fluency in the Urdu language and basic Qur’an reading
  • Students must also have a personal interest to learn and understand the Qur’an.
What language is the course offered in?
Urdu. Other courses in English are also available.
Is there Hifz component to the course?
There is no required memorization of surahs in this course. However, we do offer Hifz Program at the Institute.
I already have a background of Islamic education/diploma/certificate. Can I skip other subjects and learn only the Qur'an translation
No, our Diploma programs enrolment requires that a student complete all required subject tests and evaluation.


Is there a specified time each day for course instruction or can a student work at their own pace?
The class is scheduled Tuesday to Thursday, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm EST.

Due to sickness or a genuine reason if a student misses a class, access to recordings will be available to ensure student does not lag behind and keep up the required pace of learning.

Fee Information

What is the tuition fee of the course?

Regular Fee: $150/month
Consider this amount as your Sadaqah towards numerous Course Expenses.

Reduced Fee with Financial Aid: $115/m
For women in Financial Constraint, Al Huda Education Fund (Sadaqah Donations) brings in community support to ensure “No One is deprived of the treasures of Qur’an”

Our commitment is Qur’an for all, so if you can’t pay either of the above amount and need more support, please write to us: tqu9@alhudainstitute.ca

Financial support is approved only after a certain probation period in which student’s Academic performance and commitment are taken into account. Further inquiries to be discussed with the Course Coordinator in person.

Registered Listener Fee: $80/month

Good news for those Sisters who would love to come and study the Qur’an but can not commit to full time, or meet the learning requirements of the course or are unable to attempt the tests, join us as Registered Listeners.


What is the minimum percentage of attendance required in order to receive the certificate?


Do we get holidays for special occasions such as Eid?
Yes. Alhamdulillah. Complete list of holidays can be available from the Course Coordinator.
Can I take a few weeks off for pregnancy/delivery/wedding?
Yes, however, it is upon the student to make up for missed notes/test/assignments.
In case of emergency day off, late arrival or early dismissal, please inform the Course Coordinator.
A leave of absence note should be submitted to the Course Coordinator ahead of time for longer durations of leave
I have a physical condition, which prevents me from prolonged sitting, can I still join? Will there be special accommodation for my condition?
We make every effort to accommodate student needs. Please bring up your specific concern to the Course Coordinator for further discussion.


In order to obtain the diploma, am I required to complete the Course?

Yes, the student must successfully complete all the required classes & tests and assignments with a passing grade in order to obtain a certificate.


Is the online version of the course completely online or is there some physical attendance required?
For Mississauga applicants this class is offered on Campus.

For out of town applicants, class will be online via zoom. Link will be provided by Course Coordinator at time of course starting.


Is there any facility for babies and toddlers?
Yes, there is proper on campus facility only available for registered student mothers. This is referred to as Juniors Program

Nominal charges apply.

General Questions

Will I be able to continue my higher education/work along with this course?
Yes it is possible but generally difficult to continue higher education/work simultaneously with the course as it is a part time intensive course.
Do I need to spend time studying outside of class hours?
Yes, Taleem al Qur’an has ongoing tests scheduled frequently, hence students must be prepared to dedicate few hours every weekend to accomplish good results. Homework is assigned in this course as in any other educational program
Is there a student uniform?
Yes. For TQU students, a black abaya and a white headscarf. Headscarves are available to purchase at the bookstore.
How can I contact the Course Coordinator?

Course Coordinator

Email: tqu9@alhudainstitute.ca

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