Building Bridges
Have you ever wondered what Islam is all about? Is the portrayal of Muslims in the media accurate?
Al Huda Institute would like to invite everyone to our ‘Building Bridges’ event, which is an initiative to educate and create awareness about Islam. Through this interfaith event, our objective is to bring together people of different faiths and beliefs and promote friendship, unity, and peace. It is to highlight the perspective that we all are more alike than different.
Join us for an enlightening afternoon – learn about the Islamic faith’s beliefs and practices, experience a ritual prayer, visit our interactive booths, calligraphy, and more. We’d be honoured to have you visit and become a part of this event. Invite your friends and neighbours who’ve never visited a mosque before!
Drop by anytime between 3pm – 7pm on Saturday, May 13, at 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga.
Stay tuned for for more updates including a detailed program with timings.
RSVP below. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at: