Plant for the Planet

Plant for the Planet

“There is none amongst the Muslims who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eats from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him.” (Bukhari)


This is a great opportunity for Sadaqah Jaariyah! Plant in the Dunya for a Greener Aakhirah now!

Join us for tree planting at

Hawthorne Valley Park
5165 Fairwind Drive, Mississauga, ON

Saturday, October 28th, 2017
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

limited spots available
*sisters & children only*


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Relief for Rohingya

Relief for Rohingya

The Rohingya Muslims are facing persecution of the worst kind. According to Amnesty International, 429,000 people have fled Myanmar since security forces and vigilante mobs caused the eruption of fires in Rakhine state in August.

The situation of the Rohingya Muslims can be aptly described as a case of genocide. Thousands of people, fleeing horrific violence and burning villages, are in need of emergency aid. Having been displaced from their homes, they are facing a substantial lack of food, water, shelter and basic sanitation.

Here’s what we can do:

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (رضي الله عنه), that the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

Whoever removes a worldly grief from a believer, Allah will remove from him one of the griefs of the Day of Resurrection. And whoever alleviates the need of a needy person, Allah will alleviate his needs in this world and the Hereafter….(Muslim)

“Relief for Rohingya” is Al Huda’s effort in collaboration with Islamic Relief Canada to provide emergency relief to those affected by the heartbreaking situation in Myanmar.

Donate now to help deliver food, shelter, and medical aid to the hundreds of thousands of people afflicted by the violence.

Your contribution can help ease the suffering of your oppressed brothers and sisters in Myanmar.


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Hum Aur Hamaray Waalidayn – Creating Quality Time For Seniors In Our Families

Hum Aur Hamaaray Waalidayn – Creating Quality Time
For Seniors In Our Families

Hum Aur Hamaaray Waalidayn

A unique initiative to create quality time for seniors in our Community.

Segregated sessions for men and women, in Urdu

Here’s a great opportunity for seniors to meet and interact with others in the community. You can look forward to a weekly social event, also complemented by learning.

Family members are strongly encouraged to accompany their elders for an evening filled with social interaction and spiritual enrichment.

Saturday Evenings
at 4:00 pm – 6:00pm,
at Al Huda Institute,
starting October 14th – November 11th.

Register below:


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Check out our other Projects

Water Wells for East Africa: Providing Safe & Clean Water

Water Wells for East Africa: Providing Safe & Clean Water

Alhamdulillah, our previous campaign, “East Africa Famine 2017”, helped provide emergency relief to the famine-struck countries of East Africa.

How else can we make a difference?

“Water Wells for East Africa” is Al Huda Institute’s effort towards providing a sustainable long-term solution for people affected by the famine in East Africa. This project, a collaboration with Islamic Relief Canada, aims to raise $12,000 for the rehabilitation of two boreholes in Kenya Insha’Allah. Our vision is to be able to provide access to clean water to people of Garissa county and Mandera county who currently have to travel for hours daily in order to get water.

The Wells


Borehole name: Hagarbul, located in Dadaab sub-county along Dadaab Garissa road.

Population Served

Population served: 1800 persons (300 households- approximately 6 persons per household) as direct beneficiaries. This borehole also serves other surrounding pastoral communities that are approximately within a 10km-15km radius of the village.

Assorted livestock (camels and cattle) Served


Borehole name: Olla, located in Mandera north sub-county.

Population Served

Population served: 2700 persons (450 households – approximately 6 persons per household) as direct beneficiaries. The borehole also serves other surrounding pastoral communities that are approximately within a 10km-15km radius of the village.

Assorted livestock (camels and cattle) Served


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Check out our other Projects

Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories

Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories

How much do we know about our neighbours, the Indigenous communities? Are we aware of the problems they have faced in the past and are currently facing? Are there any parallels between the Muslim and Aboriginal communities?

NCCM and Serving Humanity are excited to bring to you our latest lecture, “Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories” on August 12 at 3pm. Queen’s University Professor Robert Lovelace will be coming to talk to us about this concerning issue that is currently happening within the country we call home. Admission to the lecture is free!


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