by supporting Serving Humanity’s Food Bank and Community Learning Projects!

Narrated Ibn `Abbas:

“The Prophet (ï·º) was the most generous of all the people …”

[Sahih al-Bukhari 3554]

Community Assistance and Learning

As a part of Serving Humanity’s mission, we offer multiple free workshop and classes for the community. From Quranic Guidance for the Deaf and Heard of Hearing, to Wellness workshops for seniors. We need your support to continue offering these classes for free to the communities who need them most. 

Food Packs

Serving Humanity offers a Monthly Food Program for families in our community who need assistance. We need your ongoing support to ensure that we can sustainably keep these programs going for the families in need. 

For any further inquiries, please email

Don’t miss the chance to reap the benefits of a simple effort!

Find out more about our drive and alternative ways to contribute below:

Can I donate cash?

Yes, you can donate cash. There are wall mounted boxes located within Al Huda Institute. Institute is open during regular hours or Salah times (check our Salah timings here).

Please note: At this time we’re not accepting cheque donations. Sorry for any inconvenience.

What is the list of non-perishable food items?

You can also donate non-perishable food items from the list provided below:

  • Flour
  • Cooking oil
  • Dried Chickpeas
  • Pasta, Pasta Sauce
  • Peanut Butter, Jam
  • Canned Fruit
  • Dates
  • Sugar, Salt
  • Tea or Coffee
  • Cereal
Who do you give the donated food packs and toys to?

We work directly with families and organizations who have expressed a need. This year, we’re collaborating with the following organizations:

  • ACCT (Arab Community Centre of Toronto)
  • Sakeenah Homes
  • Families registered on our Monthly Food Program

Please note that we maintain confidentiality of our beneficiaries’ identity at all time.

Do all the proceeds go towards the funds drive?

We do our best to allocate and disperse donations for the purpose they collected towards within the same duration. Donations that come in too late are either held for the next month or dispersed in another similar project as per need.

For any further inquiries, please email

Donate towards the benefit of the community. 

Serving Humanity Community Learning
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Donation Total: $20.00

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