Dhul Hijjah Food & Backpack Drive

Dhul Hijjah Food & Backpack Drive 2019

Starting in the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, our Food & Backpack drive is aimed at helping those in need within the community in this sacred month. The Prophet SAWS has said about the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days…” (Bukhari)

Donate today to help build a backpack filled with school supplies and/or a food package. You can drop off cash or in-kind donations at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga. Join us for our packing event on Friday, August 24, at 2:00 pm, click here to sign-up! 

Dhul Hijjah Packing Event

Dhul Hijjah Packing Event

Join us for an exciting afternoon of sorting and packing food and school supplies for distribution before Eid! We will be making food packages and assembling back-to-school kits for families in need within our community. Food packages will consist of non-perishable food items such as rice, flour, sugar, oil, and back-to-school kits will contain school supplies such as backpacks, notebooks, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and more.

Sign up here to volunteer!

*Here’s a perfect opportunity to get volunteer hours!

Dhul Hijjah Food & Backpack Drive 2018

Dhul Hijjah Food and Backpack Drive

The Prophet SAWS has said about the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah, “There are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days…” (Bukhari)

Our Food and Backpack Drive is aimed at earning the pleasure of Allah in these ten beautiful days by collecting and distributing food items and school supplies for people in need. Drop off all non-perishable food items and school supplies in the cafeteria at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Rd, Mississauga, until August 19, 2018.

Let’s join this race for good deeds in the best ten days and take this opportunity to help families in need within the community!


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Dhul Hijjah Food Challenge

Dhul Hijjah Food Challenge

The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah provide us an opportunity to multiply our good deeds. The Dhul Hijjah Food Challenge is a project that encourages everyone to feed those who are hungry and in need. We also hold an inter-class food drive in which different classes compete to bring the most amount of food. The class which brings the most number of food items wins the challenge.


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