Raising Disability Awareness

How much do we know about Disabilities? Ever think about what difficulties and challenges are faced by people with Disabilities? Join us for our ‘Raising Disability Awareness’ Workshop led by SMILE Canada, on Saturday, March 24, at 2:30 pm, at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga.

The workshop will provide an introduction to disabilities, and discuss the practical aspects of Inclusion and Accessibility in today’s society. Click here to RSVP

The Self Care Blueprint

The Self Care Blueprint

Are you an ambitious Millenial? Do you want to enjoy the finer things in life? In this age of social media and technology there are endless possibilities: Financial freedom, entrepreneurship, global travel, weekend adventures and unique social experiences are at your fingertips. However, some things we aren’t taught are the Self-Care Essentials needed to live that spectacular life we all want.  Illness can come without warning and if you don’t adapt adequate self-care routines now, you may be unconsciously putting yourself on the edge of burnout, fatigue, mental illness or injury.

In this workshop you’ll learn a Self-Care Blueprint, specific to Millenials. We will touch upon stress, sleep, mood, energy, nutrition, productivity, and self-awareness. You will walk away confidently knowing what you need to do to live a healthy and meaningful life.

Join us on Saturday, November 18th at 3pm, at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga.

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Inheritance in Islam

Inheritance in Islam

Inheritance in Islam is always a topic of confusion amongst Muslims. It is an extremely important section of Islam that when necessary to know, not many are knowledgeable of it.

Join us on Friday, October 27th at 6:30pm-9:30pm, at Al Huda Institute, 5671 McAdam Road, Mississauga.

Here’s what will be covered:

• Understand the importance of distribution of wealth according to the principles of Islam
• Develop a deep understanding of how shares are calculated
• Hands-on practice in solving inheritance problems
• Writing a Will that is fair and just

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Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories

Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories

How much do we know about our neighbours, the Indigenous communities? Are we aware of the problems they have faced in the past and are currently facing? Are there any parallels between the Muslim and Aboriginal communities?

NCCM and Serving Humanity are excited to bring to you our latest lecture, “Understanding Canada’s Aboriginal Histories” on August 12 at 3pm. Queen’s University Professor Robert Lovelace will be coming to talk to us about this concerning issue that is currently happening within the country we call home. Admission to the lecture is free!


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Youth and Media

Youth and Media

How can we develop beneficial relationships with the media? What can we do to ensure that our religion is portrayed as accurately as possible? In today’s day and age, ít’s very important for us, as Muslims, to have a voice in the media. As part of our Youth Workshop Series, Serving Humanity is hosting a mentor workshop which will focus on enabling Muslims to be proactive with the media.

Join us at Al Huda Institute for this exciting session on July 22 at 2pm.

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