Stay connected to your Creator by staying connected with His Book and His people


Building lasting friendships on
the right path through monthly get togethers

Skill Building

Take your next steps in serving your
deen through hosting or attending skilled workshops

Spiritual Growth

Gain motivation to increase your
imaan, ilm and amal by connecting with the
Qur’an and Sunnah

Assalamu alaykum wa RahmatuAllah

Dear Sisters

We are pleased to start a Telegram channel for all our Al-Huda Canada Alumni & Staff sisters.

  • Our bonding spirit comes from the Qur’an, let’s unite and hold each other strong on to the Qur’an!
  • A Forum to Learn & Grow, Connect & Share, to Grow in Taqwa & Ihsaan, and improve akhlaaq
  • A place to strengthen our sisterhood thru meaningful posts nurturing the Love of Allah
  • Announcements about Al-Huda’s educational activities & community service opportunities.

Click to join our Telegram Channel Group Chat

Two Steps to Join Telegram Channel

  1. Install Telegram App:
  2. Join “Al-Huda Canada Alumni & Staff” Channel through the link below:


  • This is NOT a Public Channel
  • Invite and Link will ONLY be shared with our Alumni and X-students.
  • Kindly Do not Circulate or Share the Link with Anyone else.

اللهم اجمعنا وارفعنا بالقرآن العظيم




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