Your dedication and compassion create a ripple effect of kindness that changes lives!

We are looking for bright minded volunteers to help us conduct Halaqas and classes at a long term care home in our area. You will be assisting our teachers spread Da’wah, and engage the minds of the elderly.

Anas ibn Malik narrated that the Prophet (saw) said, “If a young man honors an elderly on account of his age, Allah appoints someone to honor him in his old age.”


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to give back to the elderly in our community.

What will you be doing?

  • Assisting with conducting classes at a long term care
  • Engage with elderly suffering from  neurodegenerative diseases (Dementia, Alzheimer’s…etc)
  • Provide Islamic conversations with the elderly
  • Give a sense of uplifting, connection and caring as a member of the community

If you are interested please sign up below!

  • Please enter a number from 15 to 55.

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