News and Announcements

Seniors’ Meet and Greet

We’re excited to invite you to our next Seniors’ Meet & Greet (sisters only) event at Al Huda Institute. Join us for an exciting afternoon! ️ Saturday, February 22, 2025 ⏰ 11:30am - 3:00pm Welcome Ramadan Session - by Dr. Farhat Hashmi Workshop on Enhanced Living...

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Ramadan Revival; Embracing Faith, Renewal and Community

It's that time of the year: Unwillingly waking up for Sehri, waiting impatiently to dig in moments before Iftar... And a soothing quietness that allows us to open our hearts to Allah (swt). So, if Allah's making it super easy for us to connect with and we still don't...

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Masjid Salah Timings 


  • FAJR           20 mins after athan
  • Duhur         1:40 pm
  • ASR             5:15 pm
  • MAGHRIB   5 min after Adhan
  • ISHA  & Taraweeh   9:15 pm

Jummah Khutbah  1:30 pm

Click Here to Download Ramadan Calendar

What Our Students say….

A life changing experience, easy to follow along, lots of help from teachers, TAs and CCs. Plenty of time to finish assignments and quizzes. I would highly recommend this course to anyone want to learn the word of Allah and prepare for akhira. I found the true purpose of my life.

Taleem Al Qur'an Urdu Student, Lubna Anwar

The activities were fun and engaging and my little one thoroughly enjoyed them. The Halaqahs were truly enriching, and I gained so much insight into nurturing my relationship with my children and incorporating mindfulness into my parenting

Student, Mommy & Me

Alhamdulillah since I have been connected to Alhuda , It enlightened my life. Teaching of Quran enable to deal unpleasant situations and emotions in better ways . Iam able to recognize my emotions feelings and shortcomings and connect my creator

TQU Student

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