Make this moment matter for your eternity! Support Al Huda’s Rivers of Khayr sadaqah jaariyah campaign to help fund sustainable education.

Each stream below makes up a core part of our work. Your donations create surging streams of funding that will support the flow of knowledge for years to come, in shaa Allah!

This Campaign is Zakat eligible.

General Donations

Your contributions towards the support of the Mission of Al Huda in bringing Qur’an to every heart!


Iblaagh Campaign

Pitch in your share for taking the message of Qur’an to masses on the streets. We will be placing an ayah of the Qur’an on buses about Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)* on Mississauga Transit Buses. Thousands of People will read these Messages For 8 Weeks!

The Scholarship Stream

Delivering world class education is a mission we take on with pride, but it is work that comes, inevitably with a cost – the cost of books, buildings, salaries and resources. Help us support our students by building our scholarship fund.

Community Education

As a part of our mission, Al Huda offers a number of free classes and programs to the community. From classes for the deaf community to a new muslim support program, these innitiatives need your support to stay free for the communities who need them most.

The Technology Stream

To relay high quality education, both onsite and online, we need to invest heavily in technology, everything from live streaming apps, to powerful in-house software. Help us offset the cost of reaching a worldwide audience.

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